Basic Service Price Detail

Monthly subscription
No. of Employees Price/Employee
1 $6.00
2-3 $3.00
4-10 $2.50
11-20 $2.00
>20 $1.50
Annual Subscription
No. of Employees Per Account
1-3 $59
4-10 $99
11-20 $189
21-30 $269
31-40 $349
41-60 $499
61-90 $599
91-120 $799
>120 Call for quote

* Price subject to change without notice.

For Basic Service, the number of employees is defined as the number of all employees with one or more saved paychecks in the account for the calendar year, even if an employee is paid only once. The number will reset for January of a new year based on the number of employees paid in December.

For example, you started with 3 employees in January. In July, 2 employees leave and you add 2 more employees. You now have a total of 5 employees on record (3+2) even though you are only paying 3 active employees. The payroll data for all 5 employees are included in all payroll reports (941, 940, e.g.) and 5 W2s will be issued at the end of the year.

There is no contract for monthly subscription. You will be billed every month. You cannot skip month, even if you do not issue checks for that month. You can terminate the service anytime by stop paying the invoice. You can switch from monthly to annual subscription any time before October 1st. When you choose annual subscription, the fee will be pro-rated for the remaining months to the end of the year.

For example, if you are paying monthly for 3 employees and decide to switch to annual subscription in July, you will be charged a pro-rated annual subscription of $29.50 =$59*6/12 because there is only 6 months left. In October, you added 3 more employees and exceed the 3 employee level, you will be charged a pro-rated fee of $10.00 = ($99-$59) * 3/12 because there is only 3 months left.

You can manage multiple companies in your account and the number of employees is the total in the account. 5 employees in 1 company is the same as 1 employee in 5 companies.

With the Basic Service, you have the option to pay taxes or file tax returns electronically from your account. We are one of a few IRS authorized e-File software and service provider. The options and fees are shown in the following table.

Paycheck Manager Basic and Optional services

Payroll Tasks Basic(1) & Optional(2) Services
Deposit Federal tax electronically (direct ACH to IRS) $25 per year
Deposit State tax electronically (if available)(3) $25 per year
IRS authorized eFile of quarterly payroll form 941 $7.45/form-quarter
IRS authorized eFile of annual FUTA form 940 $10/form-year
eFile of form W2s to the SSA $5 + $2/additional form
e-File of W-2 to all States, if required $5 + $2/additional form
Print & mail W-2 to employees, include envelope & stamp $2 per employee
eFile of State forms (CA DE9, DE9C, NYS-45, NYS–1, e.g.)(3) $4.95/form

(1) The basic service enables users to create checks, manage payrolls and print all paper forms.
(2) The optional services enable users to make tax deposits electronically or file payroll reports electronically from user account for a small fee. It is optional and is charged based on usage.
(3) Payroll reporting and tax deposits requirements are different for different States. We may not have all payroll forms, eFile and tax deposit service for all of the States. Please log in to verify the availability of payroll forms, eFile or tax deposits for your State.

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